Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Saturday, January 9, 2010


Here's an image of a recent stop-motion film I had displayed in the Work:Detroit gallery as part of the "Arts and Bodies" exhibition.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Ode to the Boob

This is a work-in-progress exploration of the boob.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

God Save My Child

Performed on June 26, 2009, for Europe Day at the French Cultural Center (LIP) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


In the beginning of May, I worked on a collaborative project facilitated by the French Cultural Center in Yogyakarta (Lembaga Indonesia Perancis, LIP) for their spring festival. The project, 'Mari(e)-Mari(e)', involved a five-day intensive collaboration between two French artists; Marie Laborelle, a fashion designer, Marie Barbottin, a contemporary dancer, two Indonesian artists; Nita Azhar, a fashion designer, and Fitri Setyaningsih, a contemporary dancer and choreographer, and me. The aim of the project was to approach fashion from a dance standpoint, and vice-versa. Working with two fashion designers coming from very different processes, it was the goal of the dancers to explore the materials that we were being provided with to create movement, character and interaction. Later, we brought in a group of musicians, who improvised to our movements. We created a loose structure for the performance, within which most of the movement between us and our costumes was improvised. The creation of the entire piece was influenced by the idea of the 'banyan tree'. 'Mari(e)-Mari(e)' was performed to a packed audience for one night only under the stars at Sri Sasanti Restaurant and Gallery in Yogyakarta.